Request for Donation
Please note: Requests must be made at least three weeks in advance of the event date in order to be eligible for a donation.
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Title of Event or Fundraiser *
Name of Organization *
Contact Name *
Address *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Description/Purpose of Event *
Items Requested *
Quantity of Item Requested
Brewed Coffee or Packaged Coffee to Serve: How many people will you be serving?  //  12oz Bags, Gift Basket, or Gift Certificate: How many are you requesting?
Date of Event/Fundraiser *
How will this donation be acknowledged? *
i.e. display and/or distribution of HG promo materials, signs, ect
If your donation is approved, when would you like to pick it up? *
Please note: Requests must be made at least three weeks in advance of the event date in order to be eligible for a donation.
Comments & Any other Relevant Details
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