Jail Guitar Doors Riff Roast
$18.00 USD

Wayne Kramer's Jail Guitar Doors and Higher Grounds have teamed up to bring you Riff Roast - a smooth Honduran dark roast with a mission. 

Jail Guitar Doors USA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization providing musical instruments, workshops, and opportunities to help rehabilitate prisoners in an effort to create a more fair and just America.  

Your purchase will help us meet our goal of raising $50,000 to bring Jail Guitar Doors' rehabilitation programming to Michigan. 

$5.00 of every bag purchased goes to JGD's effort to raise funds for their programs and to raise awareness to the need for comprehensive reform in our justice system.

Riff Roast tasting notes: Smooth, Smoky, Hints of Molasses 

 Due to the donation aspect of this coffee, it will not be eligible for promotional discounts. Thanks for your support and understanding.