Higher Grounds Bolivian coffee farming partners

A member of AIPEP sorts parchment coffee on a drying table.
Pumiri, Caranavi Province
Cooperative: AIPEP
Elevation: 1300-1550 meters
Varietals Grown: Typica, Caturra
Cocoa, hazelnut, rich
Best brewing: immersion
Recommended ratio: 15:1
Acidity: mellow
Body: round, balanced
AIPEP, the Associacion Integral de Productores Ecologicos de Pumiri, is a primary-level producer cooperative with approximately 64 members, located in Pumiri, province of Caranavi, Bolivia. The founding members have worked hard to construct impressive internal systems for excellent organic production and quality control, as well as solid mechanisms for assuring participation and administrative oversight by the members.
AIPEP leaders hope to incorporate surrounding farmers to the cooperative but for now are focusing on improving yields and securing markets. Nonetheless, the organiztion shows great potential for growth. AIPEP has been certified by IMO Control since 2002, but for years had been unable to export directly, nor be adequately compensated for their organic investment.
In spring 2006, Cooperative Coffees participated in an extensive tour of Bolivia. Out of that impressive visit came Cooperative Coffees first contracts of Bolivian Fair Trade and organic coffee which helped AIPEP eventually achieve FLO certification and expand their market options. We have continued to purchase coffee from AIPEP every year since.