HOW TO: Auto Drip

You’ll need:

whole bean coffee (see recipes below for quantity)
automatic drip brewer
water source
grinder (burr grinder recommended)
scale (gram measurement recommended)

We recommend a 16:1 ratio as a starting point for auto drip brewing. Feel free adjust to your taste preference:

24 oz (710 g/ml) water: 6-9 T (44 g) coffee
36 oz (1065 g/ml) water: 9-13 T (66 g) coffee
48 oz (1420 g/ml) water: 12-17 T (88 g) coffee
60 oz (1775 g/ml) water: 15-20 T (110 g) coffee

  1. Measure your water and pour into your brewer’s water reservoir.

  2. Weigh your whole bean coffee and grind to a medium-fine setting (like fine beach sand) for a cone-shaped filter or a medium setting (like table salt) for a flat-bottomed filter.

  3. Place the filter in the filter basket and rinse (optional) with hot water from your tap.

  4. Add the ground coffee to the filter basket.

  5. Place the basket in the correct position for brewing.

  6. Start the brew cycle.

  7. When the brewing is complete, immediately remove the spent filter and grounds from the basket. Leaving it to continue dripping slowly will result in a bitter, over-extracted brew.

  8. Pour and enjoy!

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